Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who You Buy And Sell To?

In the Real World Stock Exchange, there is no way to know who you sell or buy the stocks from.

This applies exactly to the Runescape Grand Exchange. As mentioned, it is a centralize system on which all orders for buying and selling are matched accordingly.

For example, if you have a Buy offer for item A, the exchange will note that right away and search within its database for a seller who wants to sell item A.

Once the orders are matched, then your screen will show that the trades are done. This is how the stock exchange works too.

Lastly, I would like to say that thousands of Runescape players never understand how to leverage on the exchange to make millions of gp every day.

Most average player lose their gold in the exchange, rather than making money. After several trial of losing and frustration, they decided that trading using the grand exchange doesn't enable them to make money at all. That's totally false!

The reason I said that is because there is a system where I just need to work less than 5 minutes per day, and I can go on to making millions of gold using the Runescape Grand Exchange.

Full details of the Runescape Grand Exchange system are present in the guide which I have created.

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