Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Contine We give your guides!

10.If they bully you or keep demanding an unfair RuneScape trade just remove them or block them.

11.When you play RuneScape, don't let anyone take advantage of you or manipulate you into doing something you don't want to do.

12.It is very important to know the value of the RuneScape items you are trading because you can scam yourself out of a lot of gold simply by not knowing what a RuneScape item is worth! This simple RuneScape rule may mean a little extra work on your part. But if you're committed to being a top RuneScape player, this one tip alone will save you lots of trouble.

For example, another RuneScape player could have something you really want like a rune scimitar and they are right in front of you selling it for 35k! You think to yourself "I can spare the money. They might sell it soon and I'll lose my chance to buy the RuneScape item." Sound familiar? But if you buy it without knowing the fair market price you could also easily be scamming yourself out of precious RuneScape gold.

Seriously, if you don't know the price of a RuneScape item, there's a good chance the person selling it does and is looking to make a profit at your expense. So don't take the chance: always check prices before you buy or sell anything while playing RuneScape.

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