Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How to Make Runescape Gold

Our tip this week is for all you Runescape players out there. All too often, RS players spend hours and hours trying to make money to get all those things they want. They try everything, from mining ore, smelting it into bars and then crafting items to sell, to spending endless hours chopping wood or fishing for lobsters. Yes, you can make money this way...if you want to be bored to death. We prefer a much simpler, much faster way of making easy (and quick) Runescape gold.

COW PARTS: When you begin your new Runescape avatar, you start in the city of Lumbridge. Thankfully, just to the east of Lumbridge is one of the best places to get gold: the cow-field. To make money on cowhides, you first want to empty everything from your inventory except your armor and weapons. Take these to the bank and drop them off. Then head east out of the castle and across the bridge, then north until you see the field to the east with all the cows in it. This is where you are going to make money.

When you first enter the cow-field, you will probably see a lot of other people in there killing cows. This is also a great place to train low-level skills, which is why it is such a great place to get money. All those people training on cows are usually too busy picking up the cow parts, which means all you have to do is walk around and pick up the loose cowhides. If all the hides are getting picked up, no problem. Just kill the cows yourself and take the hides.

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