Saturday, May 8, 2010

Equip the ring so it doesn't take up

Once you have a decent number of tokens (at least 1000) go talk to the wizard that trades them in for rewards. If you scroll down past the outfits and stuff, you'll see a tablets section (as seen in the attached screenshot). These tablets teleport you directly to the related runecrafting altar with virtually no walking required! Buy whatever tablets will either make you the most money per essence or get you the most experience, whichever your priority is. For example, medium level runecrafters can make 2x cosmic runes, making it much more of a money maker than nature runes
Once you've bought a lot of tablets, head to any bank and get some essences, pouches if you have them, the tiara for that altar, and a duel ring. Equip the ring so it doesn't take up one space. You can still use it by right clicking on it on your equipment screen and clicking operate. Use the tablet to teleport to the altar and make the runes then use the duel ring to go to castle wars, which has a bank chest extremely close. Then use another tablet and repeat the whole process. I made 2000 cosmics in around a half hour this way! I made over 10,000 air runes pretty quickly too. It really does work and it's a lot faster and less boring than normal runecrafting. You'll be a Runescape millionaire with a high runecrafting level in no time!

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