Friday, April 23, 2010

Runescape Dragon Slaying - With D Hally!!

Runescape guides Bots

Have you ever wanted to know about runescape bots, but all you found were people trying to scam you? Would you like to know why that is?
It's because 99% of all so-called runescape bots are completely fake, yes fake!
Yes that's right, believe it or not, anyone trying to sell you an "autominer" or bot is just scamming you and you'll lose you money, guaranteed. Sorry but it's the truth!
What they really are, are viruses that infect your computer and record everything that you type in, then once it's recorded something, it sends the data the creator of the virus. So now you've lost your runescape account and probably a lot of credit card information as well.
Other ways which people try to gain access to your account, is when people say, that in order for it to work, they need to log into your account and set it up. In this case, there are no runescape bots, just someone claiming to have one when he really doesn't and wants access to your account.
Think about it, why would someone give away runescape bots for free? And don't believe them when they say "I used to be one of Jagex staff, and now I hate them so I'm releasing this for free". That's just a big lie.
So what do you do if someone offers you a runescape bot? You report them and ignore them. Don't get sucked in, you've got so much to lose and so little to gain.

Warrior Build, Job Advancement

3. Defense Build: This build is aimed towards heavy armor and defensive bonuses. You will wan to max out Iron Body to boost your overall defensive position.
If you are tired of playing with the other Maple Story characters such as a Thief, you may want to have a change of character class and try your hand at being a Powerful Warrior!
Our MapleStory warrior training guide has all the details for training your warrior character.

Donald Lim is a Maple Story game enthusiast. Along the process of learning how to play Maple Story better, he chanced upon the web site of a professional Mapler, John. He managed to convince John to write several Maple Story Guides for new and seasoned Maplers

MapleStory Warrior Guide for NEWS

As a Warrior in MapleStory, you will have a choice of many different ways to spec your character.
How you do it is completely up to you, and how you like to play and train your MapleStory Warrior character.
Below we discuss the three best builds for your Warrior as you are training your warrior character. You can use them as a training guide and it is up to you to decide which one is the best for you.
1. Standard Build: This build is a Standard build that is typically the most common among all warriors. It is a balanced build that will give you the most HP and defense while still keeping your attack power up.
2. Attack Build: The Attack build is similar to the Standard Build but has less defense of skills and goes to more of the offensive side of the skills. At higher levels you will concentrate your efforts on maxing out both Power Strike and Slash Blast. This will be the most efficient build to maximize your damage output as a warrior.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Few Ways to Make Money on RuneScape

First, if you're not a member, you could start by cutting down trees and selling the logs at the grand exchange in Varrock and sell it for either the fixed price or set your price higher or slower. It is recommended that you first have some decent experience in woodcutting because normal logs won't sell for much money.

If you do have some decent experience in woodcutting, you can cut down oaks or other trees that require higher levels and they would sell for more. If you don't have that much time to be leveling up your tree cutting to sell good logs then I would recommend doing the "rune mysteries" quest and then, after you complete it, you should mine a lot of the rune essence and then when or if your inventory is full, you can then sell your entire inventory of the rune essence for about 28 gold pieces each or you can sell it for a higher price.

Another good way is to go to Al Kharid and bring your best armors and weapons and start kill the guards non-stop and get the herbs and earth talismans they drop and then deposit them in your bank account and then when you think you've had enough, withdraw them as notes and then go to the Grand Exchange in Varrock again and sell them there. Herbs are about 1k each and the earth talismans about 512 gold pieces. To do this though, it is highly recommended that your at least level 40 or higher in your combat level. Another, but very dull way of making money is by selling bones, although you do get about 100 gold pieces for them. I hope that I helped you on making money on RuneScape.

You should go and mine rune in the wilderness

A good place for paid runescape members to mine coal, is at the mine near ardougne, which also has a bank fairly close by, this will speed up your mining and make you more efficient.

If you're a free runescape member, you can mine coal in the dwarven mines, however there isn't a bank nearby, so you wont be very efficient.

Now, mine coal until you're level 60

Since you're level 60 you can go to to mining guild to mine coal until you're level 85

And now that you're mining level 85, you should go and mine rune in the wilderness or from the heroes guild (Much safer). Rune seller for between 10,000-15,000 per piece, so I think you'll agree that it's certainly worth the effort to do it.

When following the steps above, I strongly suggest that you keep all of the ore you get and smith it into something useful. Otherwise, feel free to sell it and see some immediate return for your efforts

I hope you enjoyed this quick tip. If you've subscribed to my newsletter, you'll recieve the next quick tip tommorrow.

Make Money With Mining

Mining is very important, as ore pretty much fuels the game. If there was no mining, then there would be a much less diverse variety of weapons and armour available, making the game pretty dull.

That's why it's important to get your mining skill up.

From level 1-20 you should mine copper from the south varrock mine
From level 20-40 you should mine iron from the mine near rimmington or varrock

When you reach level 40, it should be much easier to mine coal. You can mine coal at level 30, but it will take much longer, besides, if you level up with the other ores, you can either make money by selling them or you can keep them and maybe use them later (I recommend this method, it's more profitable).

I also recommed that you buy and adamantite (Or adamantine I always forget how you spell that) or rune pick axe.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Contine We give your guides!

10.If they bully you or keep demanding an unfair RuneScape trade just remove them or block them.

11.When you play RuneScape, don't let anyone take advantage of you or manipulate you into doing something you don't want to do.

12.It is very important to know the value of the RuneScape items you are trading because you can scam yourself out of a lot of gold simply by not knowing what a RuneScape item is worth! This simple RuneScape rule may mean a little extra work on your part. But if you're committed to being a top RuneScape player, this one tip alone will save you lots of trouble.

For example, another RuneScape player could have something you really want like a rune scimitar and they are right in front of you selling it for 35k! You think to yourself "I can spare the money. They might sell it soon and I'll lose my chance to buy the RuneScape item." Sound familiar? But if you buy it without knowing the fair market price you could also easily be scamming yourself out of precious RuneScape gold.

Seriously, if you don't know the price of a RuneScape item, there's a good chance the person selling it does and is looking to make a profit at your expense. So don't take the chance: always check prices before you buy or sell anything while playing RuneScape.

12 Smart Trading Runescape Tip

When you play RuneScape trading is everything! Here are twelve smart RuneScape tips to give you a significant edge over other RuneScape players.

1.Never buy anything from a RuneScape shop (unless it's stackable) because it will be more expensive than trading with a RuneScape friend.

2.Don't get scammed! There's no worse feeling in the world than knowing you just lost a few million RuneScape gold to some stupid guy with a stupid idea.

3.When you play RuneScape, don't scam yourself! Just like in real life, always know about the RuneScape item you're buying or selling to get a fair deal.

4.There are a lot of honest people out there playing RuneScape but there are always a few people that will scam, cheat or lie for a few RuneScape coins.

5.Scammers often come up with creative ways to con you at RuneScape like pulling an item at the last minute hoping you'll click "Accept" fast or telling you they are Jagex staff to get your RuneScape password.

6.When you spot a RuneScape scammer, the best way to deal with him or her is to completely ignore them.

7.Don't feel obligated to do anything when playing RuneScape!

8.Many people like to try to "befriend" lots of higher-level RuneScape players. Of course, a lot of the advanced RuneScape players are genuinely nice people. However, beware of RuneScape players that cozy up to you, act really nice and do you a few small favors but then turn around and ask for something really big (like a RuneScape party hat) just because they did a couple of little things for you while playing the game.

9.Remember that all RuneScape trades are not equal. You might feel guilty about not giving people anything in return, which is perfectly normal. But if what another RuneScape player asks for is ridiculous, just tell them no. Period.

Who You Buy And Sell To?

In the Real World Stock Exchange, there is no way to know who you sell or buy the stocks from.

This applies exactly to the Runescape Grand Exchange. As mentioned, it is a centralize system on which all orders for buying and selling are matched accordingly.

For example, if you have a Buy offer for item A, the exchange will note that right away and search within its database for a seller who wants to sell item A.

Once the orders are matched, then your screen will show that the trades are done. This is how the stock exchange works too.

Lastly, I would like to say that thousands of Runescape players never understand how to leverage on the exchange to make millions of gp every day.

Most average player lose their gold in the exchange, rather than making money. After several trial of losing and frustration, they decided that trading using the grand exchange doesn't enable them to make money at all. That's totally false!

The reason I said that is because there is a system where I just need to work less than 5 minutes per day, and I can go on to making millions of gold using the Runescape Grand Exchange.

Full details of the Runescape Grand Exchange system are present in the guide which I have created.

How to Make Runescape Gold

Our tip this week is for all you Runescape players out there. All too often, RS players spend hours and hours trying to make money to get all those things they want. They try everything, from mining ore, smelting it into bars and then crafting items to sell, to spending endless hours chopping wood or fishing for lobsters. Yes, you can make money this way...if you want to be bored to death. We prefer a much simpler, much faster way of making easy (and quick) Runescape gold.

COW PARTS: When you begin your new Runescape avatar, you start in the city of Lumbridge. Thankfully, just to the east of Lumbridge is one of the best places to get gold: the cow-field. To make money on cowhides, you first want to empty everything from your inventory except your armor and weapons. Take these to the bank and drop them off. Then head east out of the castle and across the bridge, then north until you see the field to the east with all the cows in it. This is where you are going to make money.

When you first enter the cow-field, you will probably see a lot of other people in there killing cows. This is also a great place to train low-level skills, which is why it is such a great place to get money. All those people training on cows are usually too busy picking up the cow parts, which means all you have to do is walk around and pick up the loose cowhides. If all the hides are getting picked up, no problem. Just kill the cows yourself and take the hides.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The 3rd Job Advancement

When you finally get to level 70, you'll be ready for the next job advancement. This is when you become even more powerful than you were before, gaining new skills and more strength as a reward for leveling up so high. At this point you will become either a Hermit or a Chief Bandit. Hermits are ranged attackers while Chief Bandits are very fast melee characters. Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

To actually obtain the 3rd job, go to El Nath and talk to Arec at the Chief Residence. When you're done with him, make the trip to Victoria Island and talk to the Dark Lord once again in Kerning City. After talking to him, go to Monkey Swamp II, where you'll find the Door of Dimension. Go inside and fight the Dark Lord's evil side, obtaining the Black Charm for defeating him.

Go talk to the Dark Lord again and give him the Black Charm, and he'll give you a Necklace of Strength in return. Give this to Arec and then go to Sharp Cliff II and enter the door in the top-right corner of the map. There should be a big rock in this area. Next, you need to talk to it using a Dark Crystal, and it'll then ask you five questions. After answering them, you'll be given a Necklace of Wisdom. Go all the way back to Arec and give your newly obtained necklace to him. You'll get the 3rd job advancement after talking to him for a bit.

Along the process of learning

To cut the whole story short, an experiment with this quest was done to see how much money one could earn in 2 hours. The end results are a grand total of $532,000 mesos! This is really quite good, considering that only spent 2 hours of work at level 15 was spent to earn this amount of mesos! This will definitely help to free up money problems for a while!

If you need more details on how you can achieve $532,000 mesos for the Pink Flowering Basket quest, or if you want to find out what are the best quests in MapleStory to do, you can check out all our MapleStory guides with all the quest details!

Donald Lim is a Maple Story game enthusiast. Along the process of learning how to play Maple Story better, he chanced upon the web site of a professional Mapler, John. He managed to convince John to write several Maple Story Guides for new and seasoned Maplers

There are many great mesos-making quests inside MapleStory

Just like being in a real life, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. There are several key points which will help to make you a MapleStory Mesos Billionaire faster!

They are:

1. Fighting Monsters for Mesos

2. Questing for Mesos

3. Merchanting

4. Running the Business

5. Cash Shop

To keep this article short, let's only talk about Questing for Mesos in MapleStory.

Questing for Mesos:

Rewards from quests are an easy way to make millions of Mesos. Some quests give rewards that range easily into millions of mesos!

Also, Questing in MapleStory is not just about making more mesos, you can also get great EXP points out of doing quests and they are a lot more fun than just repeated grinding!

A Guide On How To Make Mesos Faster In MapleStory

The ability to make Mesos fast is very important when you are playing MapleStory because having lots of mesos allow you to buy the best armour in the game, acquire the best weapons which in return will allow you to level faster.

Owning lots of mesos will mean that you can always buy the coolest looking gear to impress all your MapleStory friends!

However, making mesos is only half the story of becoming a MapleStory Billionaire. You must also learn how to save your mesos, turn your mesos into more mesos and to avoid being scammed out of all your hard-earned money!

Today, let's talk about the basics of making Mesos for those who do not already have lots of mesos. If you do not have lots of mesos for your MapleStory characters, then you need to first learn how to make more Mesos.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Runescape Popular RPG Online Game

The objective of this game is to travel around the "Maple World." Defeating monsters and making friends along the way. In MapleStory, you and your friends are able to band together and take on tough bosses (such as Zakum, Horned Tail, and it's newest addition, a boss that has still never been defeated, Pink Bean.) MapleStory is a great way to pass time, and talk to different people everyday!

Users can form Guilds, to help and aid each other. This heavily promotes teamwork and also helps them advance. They may also combine Guilds together and form an "Alliance." They may chat amongst the other guild members in said Alliance.

Players can participate in events held by the "Game Masters" (GMs) when they are held. The events can be from Jump Quests (where players must use timed jumps to get over obstetrical), to races.

The Cash Shop is a section of the game where players can use real money to earn points to spend in-game. Each dollar is worth one thousand (1000) points (or Nexon Cash.) They can then buy new clothes and accessories, Skill Point resets, 2x EXP cards and a ticket to MapleStory's own lottery, Gachapon. There generally two ways to earn Nexon Cash. One, is by using your PayPal account to transfer your amount to Nexon. The second is by purchasing prepaid cards at certain stores, and charging them to your account. So far, the cards will give you either 10,000 and 25,000 Nexon cash depending on what card you buy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

We still have a few details to confirm

Has there ever been a worse kept secret? As early as 2007, observant RuneScape fans have been avidly watching Google Maps for the construction progress of our latest adventure: Wet ‘n’ Wildy, the RuneScape theme park!

That’s right, at the end of 2010, we will formally be opening our doors and portculli, allowing you all to come and meet your favourite personalities, experience the thrills of living in RuneScape, and even sample its varieties of cheese.

We still have a few details to confirm, so this is where you come in: we want you to vote in the poll, on the front page of, and offer your thoughts on prices, rides and plush toys.

We wouldn’t ask for your help without giving something in return, so please click on the image link below to view the RuneScape Wet 'n' Wildy visitor map, hot off the press. We can also offer a blog, accessed from the bottom-right of the frontpage, which gives insight into how such a huge endeavour was tackled and brought to life, written by Mod Paupersen, our Wet ‘n’ Wildy project coordinator.